1 min readApr 14, 2023
I recently attended KotlinConf’23 Amsterdam; these are some of my thoughts on talks I enjoyed.
- Kotlin & Functional Programming: pick the best, skip the rest by Urs Peter.
- Dissecting Kotlin: Unsealing the Sealed, the SAM, and Other Syntax by
Huyen Tue Dao - Meta-programming with KSP and Kotlin compiler plugins by Tadeáš Kříž
- Why code autocompletion works faster on weekends by Egor Tolstoy
Kotlin Multiplatform
- 5 years of Multiplatform Settings by Russell Wolf
- Kotlin Multiplatform Conversions at Android Jetpack Scale by Dustin Lam and James Ward
- One of the most promising demos I saw was SKIE. The premise of SKIE is a Swift-friendly API Generator for Kotlin Multiplatform. You may already be familiar with MOKO KSwift but SKIE looks incredibly more powerful.
NOTE: I will be adding to this as I continue to write up my notes.
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